2019年9月19日,应土木建筑工程学院邀请,英国拉夫堡大学Liguo Zhao教授来我校进行学术讨论和学术交流。上午,Zhao教授与力学系教师和博士研究生在教四楼力学系办公室进行了学术讨论,Zhao教授首先介绍了他们课题组在生物力学研究领域的最新研究进展,就形状记忆合金材料应用于生物材料制作中的力学问题进行了详细的介绍,解释了大家提出的相关问题,并就我校力学教师和研究生所作研究与国外合作研究的前景进行了指导交流,提出了一些有益的建议。下午,Zhao教授在我校曲江校区为我院教师和学生作了题为“Experimental and Computational Study of Deformation, Crack Growth and Oxidation Damage in Nickel-Based Superalloys”的学术报告,Zhao教授详细介绍了航空发动机叶片用的高温镍基合金在循环载荷作用下的粘塑性行为和疲劳断裂问题,以及针对该问题所开展的基于实验、晶体塑性和位错动力学研究的结果。最后,Zhao教授与参加报告会的老师和学生进行了互动交流,回答了老师和学生提出的问题。力学系教师和研究生以及本科生约100人聆听了报告,报告会由胡义锋副院长主持。
Liguo Zhao教授简介:
Zhaois a Professor in Solid Mechanics (Loughborough University of the UK), with establishedresearch in micromechanics-based modelling of deformation, fatigue and failure of polycrystalline alloys.He holds a BEng and a PhD in Solid Mechanics, awarded by Xi’an Jiaotong University of China.He has undertaken extensive research on nickel superalloys (for gas turbine baldes and discs), including fracture mechanics, visco-plasticity and crystal-plasticity constitutive modelling, prediction and simulation of crack propagationand fatigue-oxidation damage. Recently, he has extended his research into stent biomechanics, investigating the biomechanical performance of endovascular scaffolds.His research is supported by the EPSRC(Engineering and Physical Science Research Council), the Royal Society, the British Heart Foundation and the Royal Academy of Engineering of the UK.He has been leadingfourmulti-institutional EPSRC projects in this area, and received the award of a prestigious Royal Society-Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship in 2008.Zhao has more than 10-year postdoctoral research experience, and worked at Cambridge University, Imperial College, Nottingham University and Portsmouth University.He has published over 70 journal papers in Solid and Computational mechanics.